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Reeling in Success: Exploring the Advantages of T&S Hose Reel Technology


Reeling in Success: Exploring the Advantages of T&S Hose Reel Technology

Unlike its domestic counterpart, a commercial hose reel is not merely a conduit for water-it's a heavy-duty, robustly constructed device meticulously engineered to withstand the rigors of professional environments. These reels can be found in industrial complexes, manufacturing plants and commercial kitchens alike, and serve as indispensable tools, granting easy access to water while maintaining cleanliness and organization in workspaces.

Among the myriad of options available, T&S Brass stands at the forefront of hose reel technology, offering a range of features designed to enhance durability, usability and overall performance. From durable construction and protected hose outlets to adjustable arms and anti-lockout ratchet designs, T&S hose reels exemplify excellence in engineering and innovation, ensuring reliability and satisfaction in every application.

T&S hose reel technology: setting the standard

By eliminating clutter and keeping equipment organized and accessible, hose reels are an excellent way to maintain a clean, well-kept area. With T&S hose reel systems, you can say goodbye to the hassle of manually winding a hose or fumbling with mops and buckets. Plus, they make the workplace safer by eliminating the risk of employees tripping over an unwound hose.

Here are a few reasons why T&S hose reels are the smart choice:

Durable construction: Built for heavy-duty use, every T&S hose reel features 3/16" thick drum supports, bases and arms complete with indentation and rolled edges for added strength. And with no trap points, the unit is less likely to rust over time.

Protected hose outlet: All T&S hose reels feature extra protection around the hose outlet to facilitate free movement in any direction across guide bushings or rollers, extending the life of the hose jacket. Most of T&S' hose reels are engineered with a 6-roller hose outlet, providing 360 degree mobility.

Mounting base: With extra holes and slots, T&S' functional mounting base simplifies installations, and allows hose reels to be installed by a single individual. Plus, the base matches up quickly to existing patterns for easy retrofits.

Adjustable arm: While other brands allow only the guide arm to move to four positions, T&S gives you up to eight positions with 15', 30', 35' and 50' hose lengths for maximum flexibility.

Smart number key: T&S makes it easy to consider your hose reel choices with a convenient step-by-step approach - starting with your needs and preferences, and then configuring the reel itself. To make this process as simple as possible, T&S has developed a numbering system comprised of individual number and letter designations that correspond to each element of the configuration.

Practical considerations: selecting the right hose reel

When it comes to selecting a hose reel, T&S Brass makes it easy for you to consider specific needs and the environment in which it will be used.

Open or closed?

An initial consideration when selecting a commercial hose reel is whether to opt for an "open" or "closed" design. Open reels offer visibility and easy access for maintenance and cleaning tasks, fostering a sense of transparency and ease of use. Conversely, closed reels provide a sleek and clutter-free appearance, concealing components and contributing to a more streamlined aesthetic.

Commercial hose reel coatings

When it comes to hose reel coatings, buyers are often presented with a choice between stainless steel or epoxy-coated steel. Stainless steel, renowned for its durability and corrosion resistance, excels in harsh environments characterized by high humidity or salt levels, such as coastal areas or marine vessels. On the other hand, epoxy-coated steel presents a cost-effective alternative, offering robust protection against wear and tear without compromising on performance.

Hose size options

Selecting the appropriate hose length and diameter is important for optimizing cleaning efficiency. Factors such as the cleaning area's size and proximity to water sources dictate the ideal hose length. Moreover, varying hose diameters, ranging from 3/8" to 3/4", cater to diverse applications, from standard washdowns to heavy-duty industrial cleaning tasks requiring higher water volumes.

Outlet devices

The choice of outlet device plays a role in enhancing cleaning efficiency and operator comfort. Whether opting for spray valves, water guns or spray wands, selecting the right outlet device ensures precise and effective cleaning tailored to specific requirements and preferences. When selecting an outlet device, keep in mind the size of the item or area to be washed, as well as how the operator might hold the device while in use. Considering the easiest position ahead of time will allow for maximum comfort and efficiency later.

Installation options

In addition to hose reel configurations, installation options play a crucial role in optimizing functionality and space utilization. Mounting brackets, including swing brackets and pivot brackets, offer flexibility in positioning. At the same time, hose reel cabinets provide a streamlined and aesthetically pleasing installation solution, minimizing clutter and enhancing overall workplace aesthetics.

Real-world example

In a real-world example of the effectiveness of T&S hose reel technology, Whole Foods Market embraced these innovative solutions to enhance cleanliness and safety in their facilities. Through the implementation of T&S hose reels, Whole Foods achieved significant improvements in workflow efficiency and employee safety, reducing the risk of accidents and optimizing cleaning processes

With T&S hose reels, success is not just reeled in-it's mastered, setting the stage for a future of cleanliness and efficiency in every industry setting.

Ready to spec a T&S hose reel? Visit our website to explore our complete lineup of washdown solutions. 

Author: Liz Hofius
Date: 4/23/24