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T&S Promotes Three in Management as Part of Ongoing Growth


T&S Promotes Three in Management as Part of Ongoing Growth

TRAVELERS REST, S.C. - June 15, 2021 - T&S Brass and Bronze Works, a leading manufacturer of innovative foodservice and commercial plumbing products, has promoted three leaders - Susan Albright, Nancy White and Maria Facchin - in order to support ongoing growth and cement T&S' leadership role around the globe.

Susan Albright was named domestic customer service manager, overseeing T&S' customer service department for all U.S. customers. Experienced and knowledgeable, Albright brings a long T&S tenure to the role where she will guide the team in providing the outstanding T&S customer service that is well-known throughout the industry. 

Also promoted was Nancy White, who was named export customer service manager. White has been with T&S for over 25 years and is an expert in the export business of T&S. In this newly created role, she will provide direct support for this growing area of business. 

Maria Facchin has accepted the position of southern Europe sales manager, a newly created role where she will oversee sales efforts for both T&S and Klarco products in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Greece. Facchin has a nearly 20-year tenure with Klarco, where she worked closely with customers as part of the customer service team.

"T&S is fortunate to benefit from the professionalism and knowledge of these three individuals, and we're grateful for their continued leadership to support our growth in the U.S. and around the world," said Ken Gallagher, T&S' vice president of global sales.

In addition to increasing our management team, T&S is also expanding our physical facilities with construction underway on the planned expansion of our South Carolina plant. The additional space will increase capacity and allow T&S to better serve our growing customer base. 

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About T&S Brass

T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. has been a leader in providing innovative equipment solutions to the foodservice and plumbing industries for more than 70 years - since 1947 - when it developed the first pre-rinse unit. Today, with facilities on the east and west coasts of the U.S., in Shanghai, China and in Europe, T&S leads the way in environmental initiatives from eco-friendly manufacturing processes to development of award-winning water- and energy-conserving products. T&S is among the first commercial plumbing manufacturers to be registered by UL to ISO 9001 Certification, the most stringent a corporation can receive. For more information, go to