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What you’re probably getting wrong about sensor faucets: 3 persistent myths debunked


What you’re probably getting wrong about sensor faucets: 3 persistent myths debunked

In the wake of the coronavirus and the public health emphasis on thorough handwashing, there’s an increased demand from public users for hands-free fixtures that provide a safer, more hygienic experience.

Though sensor faucets are not new to the marketplace, misconceptions about their function or performance have led some to resist adopting them.

T&S helps make the transition easy by debunking three persistent myths about the installation and use of sensor faucets:

Myth #1: Sensor faucets are difficult to install, particularly if retrofitting from traditional manual faucets

Reality: T&S sensor faucets are easy to install.

Available 4” and 8” deck plates make it easy to cover existing holes in the sink, so there’s no concern about retrofitting in two- or three-hole sink patterns.

For an even easier retrofit, T&S’ ChekPoint line of sensor faucets includes models specially designed for retrofitting — the EC-3104, EC-3105 and EC-3107. These faucets allow operators to replace deck- or wall-mounted, 4” center, two-hole manual faucets with touchless sensor faucets without having to alter existing hole configurations.

ChekPoint faucets also come pre-assembled and ready to be installed. No challenging assembly or confusing directions necessary.

Finally, ChekPoint faucets are shipped with batteries installed, so there’s no need to run electricity (unless hardwiring is desired).

Myth #2: Sensor faucets are finicky to operate

Reality: While early iterations of sensor technology could be finicky and prone to user frustration, advances have made sensors much more functional, reliable and low-maintenance.

T&S’ infrared sensors consistently detect when hands break their line of sight in order to start water flowing. And sensor faucet controls allow installers to set the range of the sensor so that operation is easy and seamless for the user.

Sensor faucets also require little ongoing maintenance. A flashing indicator light lets you know when it’s time to replace the battery (a step which can be eliminated if the facility chooses to plug the faucet into the electric power source). Add an occasional debris filter cleaning, and that’s all the work that’s needed to keep a sensor faucet running for years.

Myth #3: Sensor faucets are susceptible to vandalism

Reality: While vandals may keep trying, sensor faucet manufacturers like T&S are thwarting them with simple fixes.

A standard auto shutoff feature ensures water will not keep running even if there’s an effort to cover or otherwise force a continual activation of the sensor.

The same can’t be said for manual faucets, which can be left to run, wasting hundreds of gallons of water before they’re discovered — or worse, leading to overflow flooding and damage.

Additionally, the same kind of vandal-resistant aerators or laminar flow devices commonly used on manual faucets to control water flow are also available on sensor faucets and are just as easily installed.

And temperature controls on ChekPoint sensor faucets are set in place by the installer, preventing efforts to adjust the temperature beyond a safe, comfortable range.

There’s no reason not to switch to modern T&S sensor faucets — and no better time to upgrade from manual faucets to the hygienic, efficient choice. See these easy, photo-guided, step-by-step instructions for switching from a manual faucet to either an above-deck or below-deck T&S ChekPoint faucet. And learn more about the array of options available with T&S’ line of ChekPoint sensor faucets.