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Clean, green machine: 4 reasons to upgrade to sensor faucets


Clean, green machine: 4 reasons to upgrade to sensor faucets

Sensor faucets are the sleek, modern choice for many public facilities - and increasingly the expectation from users seeking clean restroom experiences. 

But if you need a little convincing before making the switch, we've got four great reasons it's time to ditch the handles and embrace the sensor faucet. 

1. They boost hygiene

Hygiene is one of the most obvious - and most desired - benefits of sensor faucets.

The CDC asserts that effective hand washing is the one of the most important means of preventing the spread of infection. Sensor faucets contribute to an even better clean by eliminating potentially contaminated touch points, keeping users from having to touch faucet handles to turn off the water after washing. 

And in an era of hypervigilance regarding touched surfaces, hands-free sensor faucets not only keep users from needing to touch faucets handles, but also reduce the number of surfaces that need to be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.  

T&S sensor faucets are commonly equipped with aerators and are also available with non-aerated or laminar flow outlets for sensitive environments, like healthcare or senior living facilities, where mixing room air with water could introduce contaminants.

2. They save money

Sensor faucets can save a surprising amount of water and money. Sensor faucets reduce water consumption by up to one gallon per hand wash by running water only when in use. 

Associated energy and sewer costs (on average 9 and 1.5 times higher than water, respectively) to heat and dispose of the water make the financial impact of conserving even more dramatic.

These savings are not only good for an organization's fiscal health but also the health of the planet. Sensor faucets are a viable tool in helping an organization meet sustainability goals. 

3. They're easier than you think

Switching to sensor faucets is simpler than many people think

T&S offers several models designed especially for retrofitting. These faucets make it easy to switch to sensor faucets without having to reconfigure holes or make other significant changes to sinks. 

And all T&S models come with a battery option to make get started a breeze - no electricity required. 

Depending on the style chosen, a complete conversion from manual faucet to sensor faucet can be completed in as few as seven steps. 

T&S offers easy-to-follow, step-by-step written guides - for both above- and below-deck installations - and video tutorials for installing sensor faucets to make the process painless. 

4. They're what people expect 

As coronavirus-related restrictions are eased and people gradually return to the public sphere, there's a general uneasiness about the safety of public restrooms.  

In addition to regular visible (and documented) cleaning, business accommodations like sensor-operated fixtures can help users feel more comfortable and more likely to return. Bathrooms just feel - and typically are - cleaner when there are fewer surfaces that have to be touched. 

Businesses should be prepared to assuage concern and meet these customer expectations by installing hands-free options wherever possible. These can include not only sensor faucets, but also electronically operated soap and towel dispensers and door hardware that can be operated by foot or elbow. 

Select the perfect sensor faucet for your needs with this handy guide or explore all the options here