This webinar explores the current risk involved in improper hand hygiene and correct placement of hand wash sinks and accessories. We will exam the incidences of foodborne illness in foodservice and spread of nosocomial infections in healthcare facilities due to poor hand hygiene. Throughout the webinar, we discuss the causes of these type of infections and solutions to cutting down on risk.
Provides an in-depth look at cleaning and what products are needed. Using hose reels with updated accessories. Where to locate the reel to maximize space.
NSF 61, California legislation, and EPA 3Ts testing new updates coming soon.
Provides information on sink types used. Products and accessories used on those sinks. Making sustainable choices without effecting workflow.
Take an in-depth tour and observe manufacturing from raw material to finished goods. Discuss sustainable operation from waste treatment, cradle to cradle recycling of metal chips, and reducing water and energy cost.