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Markets: Restaurants

For more than 60 years, the engineering and product development teams of T&S have served the needs of the foodservice industry — from global QSR chains to some of the most recognized fine dining establishments. Our focus on water and energy conservation, as well as superior reliability, has made T&S a trusted name for some of the foodservice world’s leading brands.

Market Resources for Restaurants

  • T&S Hose Reels (video)
    T&S Brass instructional video for Hose Reels.
  • Restaurant Market Segment Brochure
    A go-to guide for restaurant applications, the restaurant brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect fit for foodservice and plumbing needs.
  • ChekPoint Brochure
    This brochure gives information on the T&S ChekPoint Electronic Faucets. It includes standard features, models, parts included and typical installation instructions.
  • Selecting the Perfect Hose Reel Brochure
    A true educational brochure that details the industries and applications that benefit from the use of hose reels. Discover the features that set T&S hose reels apart from the competition and which options to consider for the best hose reel.
  • Waste Valve Brochure
    This brochure is a good introduction to the new line of T&S stainless steel modular waste valves, giving detailed information on products, parts and features.
  • Calculator: Pre-Rinse Spray Valve
    See how much you could save by switching to a low-flow spray valve.
  • Calculator: Low Flow Aerator
    Calculate your potential savings from adding aerators to hand-wash sinks.