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T&S Releases LakeCrest Aesthetic Metering Faucet

Press Release

T&S Releases LakeCrest Aesthetic Metering Faucet

TRAVELERS REST, S.C. - November 1, 2022 - T&S Brass and Bronze Works, a leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing fixtures, recently released the new aesthetic LakeCrest Metering Faucet, the BP-0723. 

The LakeCrest Metering Faucet combines T&S' time-tested classic product with a new and improved design and an aesthetically pleasing look.

The BP-0723 is a push-button, single-temperature, single-hole faucet with a polished chrome finish. It features a vandal-resistant concealed aerator and sleek tapered body and can be paired with the T&S universal forged deck plates 013433-40 or 013434-40.  

"We're excited to announce the first product in our new LakeCrest aesthetic line," said Liz Hofius, T&S product marketing manager. "The new BP-0723 is the perfect product for facilities that want to combine style with functionality."

Learn more about the new LakeCrest Metering Faucet here:Â