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T&S Brass Reaches 6 Million Hours Without a Lost-Time Accident

Press Release

T&S Brass Reaches 6 Million Hours Without a Lost-Time Accident

TRAVELERS REST, S.C. - September 20, 2024 - T&S Brass and Bronze Works, a leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing products, proudly announces a remarkable achievement: reaching six million hours worked without a lost-time accident. This significant milestone emphasizes the company's ongoing dedication to workplace safety and its commitment to protecting the well-being of its employees.

"Six million hours without a lost time accident is equivalent to eight years! What an extraordinary demonstration of the diligence and commitment of every single member of our team," said Michael Williams, T&S' operations manager.

This accomplishment is the result of comprehensive safety measures, continuous employee training and a focus on fostering a safe working environment. T&S has implemented robust safety programs that include regular assessments, on-the-job training and an open-door policy for employees to raise safety concerns.

"This milestone speaks volumes about the dedication we have to protecting our people," added Eva-Marie Fox, T&S' president and COO. "Safety is more than a priority here; it's a core value. We believe maintaining a safe workplace is essential to creating an environment where our employees can thrive and contribute their best work every day."

T&S has earned several notable awards in recent years including an Industry Week Best Plant award in 2018, and the Transformation and Operations Excellence award at the South Carolina Salute to Manufacturing Awards in 2019.

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