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Infographics Library

Beware of Knockoffs

This multi-part graphic details the reasons why those in commercial foodservice and lab & plumbing markets should beware of T&S knockoffs. Just because a product looks like T&S doesn't mean it's the real thing.

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Helping Stop The Spread Of Germs

Thanks to COVID-19, we’re more aware than ever about the need for disease prevention through proper handwashing, practicing careful hygiene and avoiding cross-contamination. T&S offers a range of products to encourage effective handwashing and help prevent the spread of germs.

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Zero to Clean in 30 Seconds - Hand Washing with T&S Manual Faucets

Taking less than a minute to properly wash hands can help protect health and prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. Learn the steps necessary to go from zero to clean in 30 seconds when hand washing with T&S manual faucets.

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Zero to Clean in 30 Seconds - Hand Washing with T&S Sensor Faucets

Taking less than a minute to properly wash hands can help protect health. Add another line of defense against illness-causing bacteria and viruses with a hands-free sensor faucet.

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Total Cost of Ownership - Are You Factoring in All Your Costs?

When purchasing new equipment, the initial investment is just one of the many factors to consider. By choosing high-quality products from a trusted brand, you can save more over the long term with fewer leaks and costly replacements.

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What Goes Into A T&S Product

T&S products are designed, manufactured and tested to meet the highest standards for quality, reliability and performance. Learn what goes into a T&S product to make it best in class.

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T&S Brass is More Than a Supplier

Discover the qualities that set T&S apart from the competition and make us more than just a supplier. From an extensive offering of reliable products and help when you need it, to fast shipping and a variety of sustainable solutions, T&S is the right choice for your faucet, fittings, and specialty product needs.

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5 Ways T&S Saves You Time At Installation

T&S makes life easier for contractors and operators - whether it's the way our products are designed and packaged, the way they're built to last, or the way our knowledgeable customer service representatives are there when you need them.

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How T&S is Built for Top Restaurant Chains

These 5 reasons show why T&S Brass has been the leading choice for top restaurant chains, helping them succeed with worry-free performance, code compliance and cost savings.

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The long-term value of low flow

Low-flow products like spray valves, aerators, metering cartridges and electronic sensor faucets can yield significant savings for years to come — for a relatively small upfront investment. Learn more about the ways to save in this infographic.

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Water conservation in your kitchen | 10 ways to save

This infographic from T&S highlights the sometimes overlooked places to save water in commercial kitchens — small steps that can add up to thousands of dollars in water, energy and sewer costs.

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Water conservation in the kitchen | 10 ways to save around the world

This infographic from T&S highlights the sometimes overlooked places to save water in commercial kitchens — small steps that can add up to thousands of dollars in water, energy and sewer costs.

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Discover the benefits of sensor faucets [Infographic]

Learn more about how sensor faucet technology is helping prevent contamination, conserve water and save money across a variety of industries and markets.

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The true cost of a leak

Leaky plumbing may seem insignificant, but it can add up to thousands of gallons of wasted water per year. Fixing it — and saving money — is often easy and inexpensive.

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Water is not just water [International]

Water costs aren't just about how much water you use. Associated energy costs for tempered water and sewage costs can drive the cost of water up tenfold.

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The savings power of an aerator

Aerators, which limit an outlet's water flow, are a small investment with significant savings in water, energy and sewer costs.

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The savings power of an aerator [International]

Aerators, which limit an outlet's water flow, are a small investment with significant savings in water, energy and sewer costs.

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The true cost of a leak [International]

Leaky plumbing may seem insignificant, but it can add up to thousands of liters of wasted water per year. Fixing it — and saving money — is often easy and inexpensive.

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The long-term value of low flow [International]

Low-flow products like spray valves, aerators, metering cartridges and electronic sensor faucets can yield significant savings for years to come — for a relatively small upfront investment.

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Water is not just water

Water costs aren't just about how much water you use. Associated energy costs for tempered water and sewage costs can drive the cost of water up tenfold.

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