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Energy Conservation Literature

At T&S Brass, we strive to provide you the best food service and plumbing products along with the best customer service in the industry. We want to share some of our knowledge with you to make sure you have the proper education on the products we provide and how to use and install those products. Feel free to explore our informative videos as well.

Foodservice Sustainability Flyer - Small Parts-Big Impact

Foodservice Sustainability Flyer - Small Parts-Big Impact

Ensuring efficient operations starts with selecting the right fixtures and parts. This flyer focuses on three key product categories that can yield particularly large savings for a relatively small investment.

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Leading the Way in Lead-Free Brochure

Leading the Way in Lead-Free Brochure

A brochure that explains that T&S products meet the regulations on reduced lead content in plumbing fixtures.

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Plumbing Sustainability Flyer - Right Parts Today Savings for Years to Come

Plumbing Sustainability Flyer - Right Parts Today Savings for Years to Come

When you choose high-quality sustainable products from T&S, you’re not just ensuring reliable, worry-free performance – you’re driving down water and energy costs with every installation. Here are a few key considerations that can yield large savings in the future.

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Where Blue Meets Green Brochure

Where Blue Meets Green Brochure

Learn about T&S' longstanding leadership role in sustainability with an overview of our green manufacturing processes and water & energy savings products. This piece also details how T&S products can help contribute to prerequisites and credits in a variety of LEED v3 and LEED v4 categories.

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