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Equip Literature

At T&S Brass, we strive to provide you the best food service and plumbing products along with the best customer service in the industry. We want to share some of our knowledge with you to make sure you have the proper education on the products we provide and how to use and install those products. Feel free to explore our informative videos as well.

Equip Plumbing Products Catalog

Equip Plumbing Products Catalog

Review the complete offering of equip plumbing products. From electronic faucets, pre-rinse units, and faucets, to glass fillers, hose reels, and accessories - this catalog details the equip line by T&S.

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Equip Hose Reel Systems Brochure

Equip Hose Reel Systems Brochure

An offering of Equip hose reel systems is available with a number of options. Reference our smart number key to configure a model that best fits your needs.

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