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Market Segment Literature

At T&S Brass, we strive to provide you the best food service and plumbing products along with the best customer service in the industry. We want to share some of our knowledge with you to make sure you have the proper education on the products we provide and how to use and install those products. Feel free to explore our informative videos as well.

Foodservice Consultant Specification Book

Foodservice Consultant Specification Book

Take a look at our top spec updates and applications, along with our most popular products for the job. At T&S, we serve the foodservice industry with the widest variety of options to choose from, ensuring your specification requirements are satisfied with reliability built in.

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Healthcare Specification Brochure

Healthcare Specification Brochure

Explore the most popular specifications and discover where T&S products are used in healthcare facilities.

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Healthcare Solutions Flyer

Healthcare Solutions Flyer

Learn about the durable T&S plumbing products available to the healthcare industry. From hand-wash and washdown solutions to safety-focused features that help prevent the spread of germs, T&S has the lineup and experience to meet the needs of this highly specialized market.

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Healthcare Market Segment Brochure

Healthcare Market Segment Brochure

A go-to guide for healthcare applications, the healthcare brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect for to the needs of those in the medical field.

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T&S Cruise Line Brochure

T&S Cruise Line Brochure

T&S is a leading supplier of commercial plumbing products to the cruise industry. Our line of pre-rinse units, pantry faucets, sensor faucets, pot fillers, service sink faucets, glass fillers, and hose reels ensures reliability at sea. Discover the most popular T&S items servicing cruise ships today.

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Condensed Catalog - Laboratory

Condensed Catalog - Laboratory

The T&S Brass line of laboratory products offer reliability in a variety of environments, including hospitals, research facilities, and industrial & classroom labs. From a variety of gas hose cocks, turrets, and panel panel flanges, to stops, remote control valve units, and faucets, T&S has the products you need to meet your lab application requirements.

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Restaurant Market Segment Brochure

Restaurant Market Segment Brochure

A go-to guide for restaurant applications, the restaurant brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect fit for foodservice and plumbing needs.

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Schools & Education Market Segment Brochure

Schools & Education Market Segment Brochure

A go-to guide for educational applications, the schools and education brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect for to the needs of an educational facility.

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Convenience Store Market Segment Brochure

Convenience Store Market Segment Brochure

This brochure details the range of products best suited to meet the unique needs of the c-store market.

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Grocery Market Segment Brochure

Grocery Market Segment Brochure

A go-to guide for store applications, the grocery/retail brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect for to the needs of a grocery store.

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Hospitality Market Segment Brochure

Hospitality Market Segment Brochure

A go-to guide for hospitality applications, the hospitality brochure addresses why T&S products are a perfect for to the needs of the hospitality market.

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Animal Care Plumbing Specialty Products Brochure

Animal Care Plumbing Specialty Products Brochure

T&S animal care products offer a wide range of tools and accessories designed to be versatile and withstand heavy use in kennels, grooming stations, veterinary clinics and surgical rooms, boarding facilities and stables. T&S quality animal care products are certified, always in stock and available worldwide.

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