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Point of Sale Literature

At T&S Brass, we strive to provide you the best food service and plumbing products along with the best customer service in the industry. We want to share some of our knowledge with you to make sure you have the proper education on the products we provide and how to use and install those products. Feel free to explore our informative videos as well.

Point-of-Purchase Displays Brochure

Point-of-Purchase Displays Brochure

Find out how to best display T&S products and boost endcap sales. Our free T&S product displays are shown in full color to help find just the right display.

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ChekPoint Point-Of-Sale Countertop Sign

ChekPoint Point-Of-Sale Countertop Sign

The ChekPoint Point-Of-Sale counter sign is an educational piece highlighting the advantages of selecting ChekPoint sensor faucets. This piece is a great addition to any parts counter sales area.

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Safe-T-Link Gas Hose Product Display

Safe-T-Link Gas Hose Product Display

This POP display features eye-catching and colorful packaging that will increase your sales. The most popular gas hose products can be prominently displayed. Customers can quickly select the products they need, resulting in faster sales. The display will hold approximately 20 gas hose boxes along with our Posi-Set devices.

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POP Plumbing Product Center Displays and Plan-O-Gram Brochure

POP Plumbing Product Center Displays and Plan-O-Gram Brochure

This brochure provides assistance on selecting the plumbing models and parts to display on a T&S POP display. Gain additional insight on initial set-up and re-ordering procedures.

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Plan-O-Gram Brochure - Foodservice

Plan-O-Gram Brochure - Foodservice

This brochure provides assistance on selecting the foodservice models and parts to display on a T&S POP display. Gain additional insight on initial display set-up and re-ordering procedures.

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Point-of-Purchase Laminated Sales Reference Card

Point-of-Purchase Laminated Sales Reference Card

The Quick Reference Chart is a great source for the most popular T&S models and accessory parts. This piece is a great addition to any parts counter or T&S POP display.

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