T&S recycles nearly 100% of all corrugated cardboard, plastic shrink wrap, trays and office paper - totaling nearly 200,000 pounds of material each year.
Every T&S fixture fitting is manufactured to the highest standards in the industry - and certified by a wide variety of third party national and international organizations, including CSA, UL, NSF, ASSE and more.
By running manufacturing coolant through a centrifugal recover loop, T&S recycles nearly 9,000 gallons annually - enough to fill more than 160 55-gallon drums every year.
T&S recognizes the need to conserve resources beyond their products, installing energy-efficient heating and cooling units, with variable speed controls as well as new lighting in their manufactoring facilities. In fact, the lighting upgrade has reduced the plant's electrical consumption by 6.0% (400-watt high-pressure sodium to T-5 fluorescent, parking lot lighting upgraded to LED).
100% of the polishing dust that accumulates during the manufacturing process is sold to a company which extracts the metals (copper, for instance) from the dust for reuse - preventing it from ending up in landfills.
Whether it's through our careful recycling efforts or through the thoughtful engineering of our durable product lineup, T&S is committed to reducing our environmental impact. We're delivering longer usability - which translates to fewer product replacements - and we've cut our overall carbon footprint by an average of 5% year-over-year for the last several years. At T&S, we're putting our principles into action - and the impact speaks for itself.
几十年来,在整个可持续发展领域,能源消耗远远超过了对水的关注。尽管能源仍然发挥着重要作用,但水资源保护正被推到一个更加突出的位置。世界人口已超过 70 亿,而且还在不断增长,而淡水仅占世界总供水量的 1%左右,因此淡水显然是比以往任何时候都更为宝贵的资源。在过去的几十年里,越来越多的企业主和机构意识到节约用水的重要性,以及节约用水对其财务底线的影响。
数十年来,T&S 一直是节水领域的领导者,其工程产品为高效率和高质量设定了新标准。如今,我们将 T&S 的蓝色环保理念提升到了一个新的高度,创造产品和实施生产流程都直接源于我们对可持续发展的承诺。归根结底,这一切都是为了帮助我们的客户节约自然资源和财政资源。这是我们的使命,也是我们一切工作的一部分。
作为可持续发展领域的领导者,我们积极主动地与那些与我们有着同样节水承诺的组织建立合作关系。从 LEED 评级系统的创建者美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC),到美国环保署(EPA';the WaterSense)和水效率联盟(Alliance for Water Efficiency),我们很荣幸能与其他保护实体合作,共同提高意识、教育他人和保护资源。当您选择 T&S 产品时,您就是实现真正可持续发展目标的积极参与者。