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Why, when and where you need a portable handwash station


Why, when and where you need a portable handwash station

It's nearly impossible to overstate the benefits of handwashing. In fact, the CDC asserts that handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infection. And washing up prior to eating is one of the best ways to prevent the accidental transmission of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens from hands to mouths, where they can enter the body and cause illness.

But handwashing isn't always as easy or as accessible as it should be. Facilities for washing hands are almost always relegated to the restrooms, and not everyone wants to visit a public restroom (which, let's face it, doesn't always feel like the cleanest place) in order to wash their hands.

Portablehand sinks are an option for bridging the gap between the value of handwashing and the accessibility of it. They're an ideal solution for areas where plumbing doesn't exist - and would be prohibitively expensive to install - or where the handwashing facilities aren't convenient or numerous enough.

Portable handwash stations move handwashing beyond the bathroom and provide important visual cues for users to wash their hands prior to eating or handling foods.

Here are some ideas for using portable handwash stations to boost hygiene:

Restaurant entrances

Restrooms are typically pretty easy to access in most restaurants, but there's still a woefully small percentage of diners who enter a dining room and head straight to the bathroom to wash their hands before their meal.

A portable handwash station near the entrance or in a waiting area can serve as an important reminder to wash up prior to digging in. 

Food courts

Whether in an airport, a mall, a college campus, a conference center, a stadium or any other venue, centralized food courts are where many people congregate looking for a bite to eat. But the closest bathrooms may be crowded or inconvenient to access.

Portable sinks stations posted in high-visibility, high-traffic areas encourage diners to wash up prior to eating.

K-12 schools

School bathrooms are often crowded at break times. Add handwashing facilities to cafeterias to make access easier and faster for a quick wash before lunch. Compact design means multiple stations can be positioned throughout the cafeteria so that students easily walk past no matter their path to the serving line.



Food sampling is a nearly iconic part of any visit to Costco. And many other retailers offer on-site sampling or tasting events. But it's uncommon for guests to have washed their hands upon entering the store since restrooms are typically tucked out of the way, often in the back or corners of the building.

Portable handwash stations near entrances can give guests a chance to wash up as they enter, providing a cleaner experience as they taste their way through the aisles.

Outdoor events and festivals

Outdoor food fairs and farmers markets are the kinds of events where handwashing would be valuable but where permanent restroom facilities are typically inaccessible.

Constructed of stainless steel, T&S portable handwash stations are suitable for outdoor use. Portable sinks with a foot pump and onboard water supply and wastewater storage can be set up completely "off-grid," requiring no water lines or power source. Position multiple stations near food serving areas or restroom facilities to encourage timely cleaning.

Explore the options and benefits of T&S stainless steel portable handwashing stations and design your perfect solution today.